Alternative Suns

Alternative Suns

The photographs in this series were shot during many long nights in the familiar landscape surrounding my childhood home in early 2007. A landscape which once contained dens made in hedgerows, nature to discover, a thousand places to explore with the innocent wonder of a child. Made strange by the darkness of night. A strangeness that resonates with change as I am increasingly distant from this land, drawn to the glow of city lights. Another world is glowing on the horizon, away from this closeness. 

Alternative suns punctuate this stillness. Homes, streets, towns and cities surrounded by an intoxicating sodium glow. This burning sodium produces a gravitational pull as people, like moths commute to the city for work and pleasure. Away from the still darkness of the countryside. The future is mapped by the sodium lights and their never-ending day. Burning away the traditional map of the future as planned by the moon and stars of the night sky.